View a chronological list of all transactions associated with the property, including sales, transfers, and foreclosures.
Access detailed information about real estate projects registered under the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA).
Systematic Investment Plan calculator tool helps investors estimate the potential returns of their SIP investments over a specified period.
Analyze factors such as location, property size and market trends, enabling informed buying, selling, or investment decisions.
Estimate the stamp duty charges for property transactions based on location, property value, and other factors.
Quickly calculate the circle rate, ensuring compliance with local regulations and making informed real estate decisions.
Technology and Innovation
‘‘The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer’’, Peter Drucker, a famous writer, and management consultant. Every business,...
21 May 2024
Business Strategies
‘‘The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer’’, Peter Drucker, a famous writer, and management consultant. Every business, ...
25 April 2024
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